Work Consoles, Sit Down Consoles, Writing Surfaces

By Request Communications , the leading S.I. in New England , had Hopewell Precision design & fabricate a custom sit down console assy. All Enclosures are set up with 19' Rack Mounting............the assy breaks down easily for shipment and includes the Formica Writing Surface. Hopewell has announced these units are available in any size , color or configuration.....They also work directly with the Customer & S.I. to meet all sightline the customer the max amount of RU spaces based on the distant the Console is from the Monitor Wall........

Other Console manufactures try to get you to buy a standard catalog product.....with the money the customer will spend on an entire project they should get what the need not what's easier for the vendor.
Hopewell can also match the construction & color to any existing consoles or equipment room racks.